Hiring a Professional vs. DIY Garage Door Installation

garage door installation

Hiring a Professional vs. DIY Garage Door Installation

For those who like to get stuff done themselves, installing things around the home can be a rewarding challenge. However, if it’s a new garage door your home needs, this process might not seem so simple. 

As a large part of your home exterior, and one of the first impressions that visitors or future buyers will get of your property, a new garage door is not to be taken lightly. There are many aspects to consider when buying and installing, such as materials, style, and motorising options. So, with all things considered, is this an achievable DIY project to take on by yourself? Or will you need to hire a professional?

Here are a few tips about DIY vs professional garage door installation, to help you make up your mind:

The benefits of doing it yourself (DIY)

Advantages of a DIY garage door installation could include saving time and money. But of course, this will depend on the skill level of the DIY installer. Anyone who has installed similar products and mechanisms before can bypass the process of finding a professional and waiting for call outs or installation dates. If you’re savvy about the materials involved, or if you have connections with suppliers in the industry, you can definitely cut a few costs along the way.

Some garage door manufacturers specifically sell their products without installation services. Usually, these garage doors are purchased by builders and engineers, who then go on to charge service fees for their clients. So, if you know what you’re doing, or you’re willing to do the research and take on the challenge, this could be the most cost effective solution for you.

The reasons to hire a professional

Although undertaking a big home improvement project is appealing for many, it’s safe to say that the benefits of hiring a professional service far outweigh the benefits of a DIY job for anyone who isn’t a specialist. Hiring a professional garage door installation ensures all the proper measurements are taken, all the right tools are used, the risk of injuries is minimised, and the safety and construction codes are met.

Buying from a supplier doesn’t always result in a perfect fit, and if you are not working with a professional, the repair and maintenance costs for an improperly installed garage door can end up being far more than the cost of an expert installation! Hiring professionals to install your door will also save you from needing to buy any new tools, or disposing of old materials.

Along with this, you can always rely on a reputable installation company to send fully insured and knowledgeable specialists. With many years of experience, they have a keen eye for design, and will provide step by step guidance for choosing the perfect style of door to suit your home. They can even assist you in complying with all local garage door regulations.

Who to call for more information

If installing a garage door is on your to-do list but you’re not sure whether to DIY or not to DIY, don’t stress. Casey Garage Doors are the leading providers of in-house manufactured aluminium garage doors across Melbourne. Offering custom designs, high quality materials, and comprehensive obligation-free quotes, this team have all the experience necessary to help you make the best decision for your home.

Whether you choose to go it alone, or prefer the security of a professional installation, Casey Garage Doors are here to help. Other services include garage door openers installation, and garage door repair. Get peace of mind about your installation, however you choose to do it. Just call 0402 700 991, email [email protected], or fill in the online form to learn more.

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